Experts, including those in the consortium are split into two warring camps.
鸟类学专家们 —— 鸟类大脑命名法协会里的科学家——甚至分成了两个对立的阵营.
——期刊摘选Now if a great lake like Victoria were to dry up partially, it would be split into a number of separate, smaller lakes.
——柯林斯例句The hikers split into two parties.
辞典例句They have already split into two or more very distinctive races.
辞典例句These turbines can be broadly split into two basic types, the impulse and the reaction turbines.
这些汽轮机可大致分为两种基本类型, 即冲动式和反动式.
辞典例句The planes surrounding Earth are split into many vibrations.
互联网The compound can be split into its parts.
辞典例句Basically, as you can see, we're split into six line divisions.
你看, 我们银行大体上可分成六个业务部门.
国际金融英语口语The last installment will be split into two movies.
辞典例句At the end of the bridge the expressway split into two roads.
互联网Only Berlin itself, though split into west and east sectors , retained fourpower status.
只有柏林本身, 虽然也被分成东西两部分, 但仍然维持着四强共管的局面.
辞典例句My working life is split into three main parts.
互联网All the teachers split into seven teaching research groups.
辞典例句An H 2 O atom can be split into hydrogen and oxygen.
互联网At entry , this wave is split into components.
在入射点上, 该光波被分解为下列二分量.
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